Tarascon and abbey Montmajour
The last 5 episodes of season 2 are filmed around here. Montmajour is in at least 6 episodes.
They are great in mixing locations! In some episodes the emperor has 3 different seats! I would like to make an experience of it. By making these 'stills' I found out they
could switch quickly and smoothly, some scenes. I haven't noticed the switch before. The following episodes are shot in Tarascon and Montmajour:
The Prisoner 2 The Electors 44 The Inquisitor 45 Amnesty 46 Bloodbrothers 47 Betrayal 48
Tarascon castle first
Tarascon was the location of: The Prisoner 2, Message from Geneva 43, The electors 44, Inquisitor 45 and Amnesty 46.
Tarascon is 'the water view' in episode the Prisoner when Tells jumps off the tower. This chateau lies next to the Rhone.
One thing did both castles (Epierre and Miolans) not have....water around it. Tarascon has, so they filmed Tell's escape from 3 towers! I never noticed it, until I made
this site, then you see it clearly. Anyway it's well done. I've put the photos of each castle below. Still episode 2 The Prisoner. Scene: when Tells jumps off the tower into the water.
The escape scene of episode (The prisoner) is divided into 3 castles: Miolans the prison, Epierre (the jump) and the water view Tarascon.
High camera shot, Mont Blanc Low camerashot
With the Mont Blanc in the back of Tell.
Above: Castle Miolans and below third castle: Epierre. Yanek Derrien did the jump off this tower (Epierre castle). He jumped into the boxes. One shot of Tarascon
The water scene
Location: it can be everywhere but most likely: Hautecombe: they were filming there for episode 2, lake Bourget or the Rhone river next of Tarascon.
Never understood why they took such a close up from the front of Yannick Derrien. Everybody could see this is not Tell. Why not swim himself?
The end of episode The prisoner for this location.
Episode 44 The Electors starts at Les Baux plateau.
Why all of a sudden so far into the episodes and a different location? Because in this episode there's part of a location that is also shot in Tarascon.
Location: The plateau and the tower with the dovecote, Les Baux. Scene: Without knowing it, the Duke of Bern is in great danger. His vote could make a difference.
William Cagnard Horst expects the elector, a threat to Gessler's position.
The dovecote Les Baux The farmhouse near Arles
The scene is switching to the castle of Tarascon, still episode 44 The Electors
2015 1987 The main gate with the bridge. 2015
The canal is mainly dry nowadays. Tarascon has an impressive exterior. The Rhone side is amazing, but this side on the pictures is attached to a busy road. It has a turnabout in front.
Scene Electors: The duke of Westfalen arrives and he is not amused about their way of politics and wants a change. Gessler lies to assure him they're working on it by the election.
1987 2015 Scene: Gessler welcomes all electors.
The internal bridge and gate
Above we have seen the arrival at the main gate. Here the Interal bridge to the gate (from 1 to 2). This gate at 2 to 5, is several times in Crossbow.
The internal gate
Scene: Horst gets the order to let one of the electors 'disappear.'
Horst to Gessler: 'The Duke of Bern is has unfortunately been delayed and perhaps doesn't arrive at all.' But they didn't expect that the voting discs were gone and that upset Gessler.
Here is the gate at 2 to 5, standing on the 'internal' bridge. This bridge is, in fact, a part of the courtyard. Scene: The duke of Westfalen enters.
1987 1987 The internal gate, not the main gate 2015
Hall of feasts in opposite of the Elector's room.
2015 Hall of feasts (12 on the map) 2015
Plan du château
1- Court of entry 2- Bridge 3- Court of Honor 4- Staircase of honor 5- Dungeon 6- Clock Tower 7- Tour of the Chapels 8- Large chapel
10- Southwest Tower 11- Panelery 12- Hall of feasts 13- Tour of the Artillery 14- Welcome 15- Pantry 16- Echansonnerie 17- Panelery
18- Saucerie 19- Fruiteries 20- Lower court 21- Tour Marie 22- Tour 23- Stair tower
'The Grance Chapelle' of Tarascon (on the map 8)
The Electors dining room.
1987 2015 2015 The opposite side
Location switch! A moment later the room with the scale and voting is in Montmajour, Notre Dame.
Election room at Montmajour
The last part of the episode, during the official elections is in Montmajour. A bigger room. Well done, never noticed until I made a still of it.
Compare: Amnesty see, is also shot here. The Electors The Electors all together, but one is missing...but his daughter is present to vote.
Shots of the Farmhouse near Arles
The Farmhouse shots used for 'in between' scenes. This location is a part of the bakery place in Message from Geneve 43 as well. Scene of The
Electors: The duke of Bern and his son are dumped here by Horst. Tell and the daughter of the duke find him here. They witnessed the defining
vote is killed. They climbed into the wagon and ride into Tarascon. They trying to arrive just before the Elections are held.
Another location switch in one scene: The scene in the courtyard Tarascon melted together into the courtyard of Montmajour.
1987 2016 The huge cypress tree is still there The garden in opposite
2015 1987
From the Tarascon garden to Montmajour. This is Montmajour courtyard (no longer Tarascon)
1987 1987
2015 Tell goes to the elections in disguise 2015
Scene: Tell brings the daughter in as a prisoner. Then he gives her father's sword back to her to force Gessler to accept her father's vote.
1987 2015 1987 look at the pillars
Scene: Determined to be her father's voice and to block Gessler's evil plan.
Tell incognito. He tries to bring the missing vote together with the daughter of the duke of Bern.
Compare this: A shot of 'Amnesty.' below. The same shot of 'The Electors' in Montmajour abbey.
Fritz and Tell (Amnesty 46) on their way to the Emperor to cede their weapons for 'love and peace.' Same spot of Montmajour like above in The Electors 44.
Amnesty 1987 Amnesty 46 2015
Same spot. First Amnesty 46, second The Electors 44
The voting - Location: Montmajour
Will the dukes accept her father's vote and leave Gessler?
The end of episode 44 The Electors.
The Inquisitor 45
Main location: Montmajour. Location of this path: no idea, probably close to Montmajour abbey. Scene: The arrival of the Inquisitor.
Evening trail
Location of the scene: probably Moulin Daudet forest, near Montmajour.
Scene: the baroness fell off her horse, Tell went into the forest looking for the truth and found the witness Edward.
The main entrance Montmajour (A on the map, see 2 rows below).
Montmajour has 2 entrances. This one below is the main entrance and a porch with an iron gate. This gate can be seen in the beginning and the
end of double episode: Bloodbrothers 47 and the end of Betrayal 48 where Tell gets his horse back from the boy and rides out of season 2.
2015 The Inquisitor 45 at the main entrance
Story: The baroness fell off her horse. Tell tries to find out what happened to her. He finally found the man who was going to protect her.
To compare: Left photo is also shot here: Bloodbrothers 47. Chasing the gold in front of Montmajour entrance.
The scene below is recorded just above A
Forest of the mills Daudet and Sourdon
I believe the west forest of Montmajour is too rocky and small and swampy. Most likely is that 'the forest scenes' were filmed a few miles
further, in the fields around the mills of Daudet, Sourdon and Ramet at Fontvieille. Scene: Tell is looking for the witness Edward.
In the crypt, Montmajour
Someone is listening... Episode Inquisitor 45 Location: Crypt Montmajour abbey. (The crypt is in Bloodbrothers and Betrayal as well).
More about the crypt down this page in double episode Bloodbrother and betrayal.
The Dome of Montmajour
In the dome of Montmajour many episodes have been recorded! Inquisitor 45, Amnesty 46, Blood brothers 47 and Betrayal 48!
Below you see the The lie detector of episode The Inquisitor 45. Location: part of the dome of Montmajour.
Aha in this still I think i recognize the actor on the right... he seems also in the inn (Promised Land). In that episode he deceives Tell and Stefan.
Pictures of the dome of Montmajour to compare other episodes
2015 1987 Bloodbrothers 47 and Betrayal 48 1987 The Electors episode 44
Inquisitor 45 (Feodor Atkine) in the dome of Montmajour, east wing.
Scene: Edward, the witness is killed by Gessler. Tell needs to prove that and takes the body of Edward to the court to show the origin of the arrow.
Location: Notre Dame Montmajour, east wing.
1987 2015
Same place in Amnesty 46 and Betrayal 48 (middle, Gessler had a nightmare) Notre Dame Montmajour Amnesty
Tarascon in episode 46 Amnesty
Hall of feasts (The hall near the Elector's room in). 2015
They Emperor has changed his point of view 'love and peace' is now his strategy. He takes the outlaw 'Fritz' to prison and shouted at the guard: 'Throw away the key!'
Then the guard wispers: 'love and peace.' Gessler is furious and confused. He needs a plan.
1987 Tarascon, attached to the courtyard, remarkable shaped windows 2015 Seen from the courtyard 2015
The courtyard of Tarascon
Just before Errol's execution, the Emperor brings him a flower and a message 'love and peace.'He frees him. Location: Courtyard Tarascon.
Nice owls on the seat of the Emperor.
Scene: Outlaw Errol is supposed to be executed. Then he shouts out loud: 'Long live William Tell!' People around are shocked.
The Emperor thinks a while and seems to be touched by it.
1987 2015
The liberation of Errol and many others
Scene: The emperor has changed and sets all the outlaws free. Fritz gets even a flower from the Emperor.
Gessler is no longer certain of his job anymore. But he isn't able to make the same switch as the emperor.
The square the courtyard Tarascon
1987 Tell visits the meeting 2015
1987 2015 They were in front of the left window above the arcade.
Scene: One by one they are liberated from prison by the Emperor. Gessler witnessed this with horror. The Emperor speeches: 'every outlaw doesn't have to
flee and can have protection by the Emperor.' Under one condition; most famous outlaw William Tell has to come first. The Emperor will ask him for forgiveness
and love. Later the Emperor is worried Tell doesn't come. He knows Tell is strong but he also knows there is a high pressure on him to come. Then Gessler even
bets his life on it, so he makes a plan to show the Emperor the outlaw Tell can not be trusted. Gessler visits Tell to bring him 'a gift' to make sure he will come.
Extra photos of the some what claustrophobic courtyard of Tarascon. It's very high and small so there isn't much light.
The stones turned grey. The stones have trouble drying by the sun. The architecture is gothic.
The interior is very tall. I think the rooms look alike that makes you almost get lost. From the towers you have a great view to chateau Beaucaire and the Rhone.
Inside the Emperor's room
Tarascon, is attached to the courtyard. Through the window you can see the high walls of the courtyard and stained glass windows.
1987 2015
1987 2015
1987 2015
The release of the outlaws - the ruines of St. Maur Montmajour
Location: The roof of Montmajour - the outlaw meetingpoint in Amnesty 46. All former outlaws do visit Tell here, this short shot below is in St. Maur monastery
attached to Montmajour. Shot at the 'outlaw roof' is a few yards further in Montmajour, (the roof above the main entrance). Later more about St. Maur.
Errol managed to escape. Errol: The Emperor freed me. Tell: 'What? Come sit down and tell about it...once an outlaw, always an outlaw in this country.'
Scene: Tell: 'I'm suprised Gessler allowed it.' Errol: he didn't, he wasn't there. Later when another outlaw 'Fritz' also showed up,
Tell asked again if Gessler was there. Fritz: 'sure he was and what was he furious!' that answer confused Tell. But he went to
the statement - meeting. 'All outlaws will be granted amnesty.'
1987 The roof 2015
The unexpected guest
Scene: 'Everybody waits for a sign of you William.' 'I would do it for you all but there is one thing: It could be a trap and Gessler can not be trusted.'
At that moment Gessler walks into the Outlaw place and said: 'I say you can!' He comes with his plan to make sure the emperor's plan will succeed.
He tries to convince Tell. Tell is still suspicious but the pressure of all the people is very high.
1987 2015 The 'outlaw roof' (from the tower).
Gessler gives Tell a small 'secret' Crossbow. Gessler promised the emperor, he would destroy his weapons as well and he will try to convince Tell as well. He puts the pressure on him.
strongly doubts whether Gessler is also behind the peace proposal. Tell
is forced by the Emperor's call. He wants a world of peace and free other
Saint-Maur Montmajour, Kalash's place and the meeting point of the weapon expert.
Tell and they outlaws consulting an expert to find out who made this special small weapon. It's made of Arabian Steel, possibly made by Kalash the turk, one day ride to the river.
Roof Montmajour Tell is also shortly at this location (other corner) while talking to the expert and finding dead kalash.
'Kalash the turk' worked on a the secret weapon. Tell got the secret weapon from Gessler and when he has to collect his weapon, he has to assure Gessler, that he has brought
this weapon with him. Tell wants to know who made the weapon. They find Kalash's place. Unfortunately he can no longer speak to the maker.
2016 Kalesh place -St. Maur - Montmajour
The place is not open to the public. That's a pity. Some parts could be dangerous. It will be stabilized and a part will be opened in 2021.
Summary of scenes and location
NOTE: This episode 46 'Amnesty' has also a confusing switch between Montmajour and Tarascon. The emperor has two seats!
1. The collecting of all weapons and Gessler's attacks on the Emperor - is in abbey Montmajour.
2. The scenes in between with the Emperor and his mother and all the visits Gessler brings to the Emperor - are in Tarascon.
Scene: Gessler can't stand the emperor, but he decides to pretend and makes a plan.
The test of the secret weapon Tarascon (recognize the window of Tarascon below).
A spark of hope for a world of 'love and peace'
The contribution of weapons and the attack - Montmajour - Amnesty 46
The collecting of weapons and the attack on the Emperor. Can the attack be stopped by Tell? Both has hidden their weapons.
Gessler's attacks on the emperor
'Evil and peace do not go together.'
From Montmajour above, back to Tarascon, emperor's seat.
'My dear Governor, there are bees among my flowers, they spread pollen, but they also sting.'
Episode Amnesty closes
47 Bloodbrothers - Montmajour
Is filmed in Montmajour and the fields around it and moulin Daudet and Sourdon.
In fact this episode starts with the boy looking at the wagon with the gold. Located: St. Maure / Montmajour). More below.
First scene: Gessler meets his brother in the Dome of Montmajour and the second time with the emperor in the crypt of Montmajour.
Gessler realizes the gold is missing... and has an unexpected visitor, his brother...
2015 1987
Location: The dome of Montmajour in front of Gessler's bedroom (not decorated yet). Where Gessler gets nightmares about the missing gold.
Gessler's brother wants an introduction to the emperor in exchange for the delivery of Tell. the only point where Gessler is weak.
What he didn't expect is that his brother wins the trust of the emperor. It goes so far as that The emperor and his brother want to
get rid of Gessler. They are joking about the initials of the seal: 'when Gessler is gone, they don't have to change the official seal.'
Location: Crypt of Montmajour. Scene: Gessler becomes suspicious about his brother. His brother even misleaded Gessler and William Tell.
2015 at the crypt
Is the monastery part of Montmajour. You can see it below at the left side.
The forbidden place in Montmajour west. From the entrance and first floor which leads to the also forbidden and ruined part of the abbey St. Maure of Montmajour. The ruined Maurist
Monastery was built in the classical Piranesian style on a huge scale; the building was originally five stories high, covering eight thousand square meters, with sixty windows and two
grand staircases. The monks, lay brothers and novices lived on the top two floors, with their library, classrooms and archives. The building was largely demolished after the French
Revolution for its building materials. The room is closed to the public may not enter. They are thinking about renovating around 2021.
The monastic complex was sold as national property in 1791. The buildings, for the most part very degraded or partially destroyed, were bought by the city of
Arles in 1838. Prosper Mérimée had the building classified as a Historic Monument in 1840. The first restorations were carried out in 1872 by the architect
Henri Revoil. In 1943, the state acquired the abbey which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1968.
The ruined Maurist Monastery was built in the classical Piranesian style on a huge scale; the building was originally five stories high, covering eight thousand
square meters, with sixty windows and two grand staircases. The monks, lay brothers and novices lived on the top two floors, with their library, classrooms
and archives. The building was largely demolished after the French Revolution for its building materials.
The boy is walking on one of the terraces in the left in front of St. Maur. The plateau of grass with the two small trees on it.
1987 seen from the outside of the monastery 2015
The boy and his sister 'Bridget' are living in the ruines of St. Maur, Montmajour.
The boy witnesses the gold transport
1987 The boy coincidently dropped his bread in the inner place and walks down to get it. 2015
1987 The door to the abbaye of Saint-Maur and it's terraces. 2015
Scene: The soldiers do not tolerate prying eyes. They are busy with an important mission, transporting the gold of the emperor.
To Compare: same place Tell gives the grain back top the farmers. Same episode same spot different scene. More later below
The boy gets help from Tell. He brings the boy home. But some people do expect them....
The Pine tree spot
This pine tree spot is filmed many times in this episode. The boy is pointing it as close to his home. I think the former car parking Fontvieille. It's a guess.
Location: It could be mills of Daudet area (a few miles away). A beautiful nature reserve with many pine trees, ancient mills and rocky grounds.
In the back at the horizon a kind of church tower or a house...a village or part of St. Maur? Somehow I think the parking place of Daudet.
Livingroom St. Maure
2016 1987 Bridget and the boy are standing in front of the fireplace 2016
The Stranger
The boy walks home and the soldiers are waiting there for Tell. While the Crossbow is pointed at Tell, a strange noise comes from outside.
One of the Soldiers takes a look. He immediately gets killed by an arrow. Then Tell has to take a look... a person arises out of the mist.
The stranger: 'Good evening.' Just passes Tell and and walks straight at Wolf. Wolf becomes pretty nervous of this guy who shot his companion already.
Remarkable is...it's in a split second dark. (it never stroke me but when I made some stills It stroke me).
The stranger let the soldiers run away. The stranger is vague in all answers, like who he is and where he comes from. That creates a lot of mistrust.
1987 2016
The place is very dangerous nowadays. It's unbelievable they were able (and allowed) to gallop out there with a lot of heavy horses in a large abbey
hall (below the terras is a building) The floors don't look very stable nowadays...there are holes in it. But 30 years ago it was in a better condition/state.
The bedroom (next to the livingroom, St. Maur)
2016 The characteristic door with a block out of the doorpost. Scene: Bridget is cold and she doesn't dare to trust the stranger 1987
Documentary on FR3 about restoring. I wished to visit before this happened... Honestly...it won't get any better if extra construction and walls are plastered.
I know the restores do their best, but the authenticity will then be gone, but it will become safer. Hope they don't build too much. love the simplicity of this.
The sudden attack
The boy: 'Bridget, the black knights are back!' Bridget: 'Run! Run to the forest!' Decoration: Green camouflage cloth?
The door with the recognizable blocks missing out of the doorpost.
The soldiers are riding in. The boy and Bridget flee. They follow Bridget.
The three doors in a row.
1987 Look at the proportions, how small the boy looks like 1987 2016
1987 See this huge windows! Stunning! 2016
1987 The stepping stone is still there 2016
The rough frayet corner in 2 episodes
Compare this place to ep. Amnesty: From the 'outlaw roof' to the ruines of Saint-Maur (only the left picture is 'Amnesty') the other pictures: Bloodbrothers and Betrayal
Scene: The outlaws Geswin and Fritz are finally freed by the emperor. Same location
2016 2016
On the run
This would have been a perfect scene for a music clip of Enya. It looks like a wonderful ancient keltic scene!
She succeeded to reach a horse but she is noticed. They'll hunt her down.
Bridget has trouble to control the horse. Look at that 'fire' breath scene
St. Maur from the south side.
And compare episode episode 'Amnesty' filmed in St. Maur
Also parts of episode Amnesty filmed in Saint-Maur Montmajour
The place the secret small crossbow is made of Arabian steel by Kalash. This week I found out It is the ruins of abbaye Saint-Maur Montmajour.
Gessler and Horst visited this place to meet Kalash. The place is not open to the public. That's a pity. Some parts are dangerous.
It will be stabilized and a part will be opened in 2021.
Other beautiful photos of this place
This part will be restored. It sure will change and we don't know yet in which way. So enjoy this rare photos.
Wonderful location
Montmajour, St. Maur can look both ominous and enchanting. That depends on the location and the weather.
Tell lets the grain return to the owners
The return of the farmers. Location: Montmajour, part of St. Maur. Still closed to the public.
Scene: 'Nobody has to starve this winter.'
Bridget is riding away to check Gessler's brother can be trusted. Then she hears a chat between Horst and him.
The riders
In this episode riders chasing Bridget. While I made some stills I found out I knew these shots.. I've seen them in episode 'Plague.' Katrina running
with young Matthew. These riders were exact the same. It seems stuntriders and Ian Brimble with Horst on the horse. If this is true, then this short
shots are made around Ain. This area doesn't look like Montmajour.
Plague season 1 Betrayed 47 Betrayed 47
And below: Betrayed 48...it doesn't fit in the environment above. I never saw this environment before with the church. Around Savoie?
The Nightmare - Episode 47, Bloodbrothers
A prophetic dream announcing deceit.
Gessler's nightmare is a signal that nobody can be trusted. Not even he himself.
2015 On the altar of the crypt Gessler's predictive nightmare about Horst turning against him (east wing of Montmajour dome) Feels if his head is still on his body.
Location: Gessler's bedroom is in the dome of Montmajour, eastwing. Scene: Gessler: 'I saw myself in sleep forever...'
The gold wagon - Bloodbrother 47
The fields of Moulins Alphonse Daudet, Ramet and Sourdon, Fontvieille.
We are not yet sure whether or not the mill of Daudet had a roof at the time. (during the filming of Crossbow). Moulin Sourdon and Ramet did not. So it could be Sourdon mill.
The fields are very close to Montmajour. A perfect place for the forest of 'Inquisitor forest' (where the witness Edward is hiding) and the place of the gold wagon.
(Bloodbrothers/Betrayed). And the forest where Bridget is hiding against the blackknight. Location: a few miles east / north east of Montmajour.
Why can't the field be right next to Montmajour?
It can be around west of Montmajour too but there isn't much space though they make you believe It's next to Montmajour. Montmajour has a small forest at the westside but it's too rocky, a lot of relief. The only flat part around the monastery has a huge private orchard.
The area around it are wetlands and meadows filled with beautiful local small Camargue horses. Called after the area.
Shots from the front of Montmajour
Bloodbrothers Bloodbrother ep.47 The same spot Inquisitor
The end scene of 'Betrayal 48'
Leaving Montmajour
Straight to the busy road. In this shot not visible, no noises either). It must be filmed in the early morning.
It looks like they are riding right into the fields. The field with the treasury wagon scene is about 5 km further. Anyway great shot!
From Montmajour to Fontfieille,
With the Mills of Daudet and Sourdon. Possibly split into 3 locations.
The start in front of Abbey of Montmajour (1), then fields of Moulin Daudet and Sourdon (2) and a greener field...elsewhere?(3). These fields are not attached to the abbey.
To compare: Those two pictures of this forest is the same location.
Beginning of episode Bloodbrothers 47 The end of episode Bloodbrothers 47 And the forest of The Inquisitor!
The hunt on the wagon with the gold
I don't know what could be behind this wagon they show in a split second?
The parking place or the mill...
Then the fields near Alphonso Daudet a few miles further. Enough space in a nature reserve.
The rocky field is possibly found. The parking place behind in combination with the mill (look at the white car behind, It can be seen in a split second).
But the actual the parking (aire de camping on the map) has a little cliff all around, and on the other side there's the road. So we can't see how
they could have been next to it and at the same level. That's why I thought the field was the one toward Sourdon or at the old parking, see below on the map.
Two locations? The green landscape
The green landscape is near a church with a sharp bell tower that shouldn't be hard to find and is still missing I've seen some of these
shots in one of the first episodes, Perhaps around Ain or Haute-Savoie? For the riders yes, but the treasury wagon it's too far away.
Left: the dry rocky mills field.
Right 2 picture: The greeny landscape is near a church with a sharp bell -not
found yet.
The rocks in the back are not around here. They mixed scenes.
Missing place
A fan pointed this out to me. There might be two location a green misty one and a rocky dry one. Look at it yourself.
Easily alternating between foggy green meadows and the sunny rocky paths near the windmill, a second elsewhere.
Nowadays the grounds at mill of Daudet are pretty bushy with many trees and less fields. The rocky place looks like parts around Daudet, The
green places must be more from a distance. Some of this greener fields became private property. Below also the greener fields with a mill in the back.
Perhaps the same mill but a greener area on the other side of the mill
Location: At Fontvieille. Scene: Bloodbrothers 47. The first part of the double episode is ending with this shot. Gessler's brother takes the gold and goes to the Emperor with it.
48 Betrayal
The last 2 episodes of season 2, the double episode. I've decided to put them together
Scene: Gessler's brother says goodbye and goes to the Emperor. Bridget follows Gessler's brother and find out he set a trap for Tell.
The Entrance of Montmajour.
1. The grain silo. 2. Boy Peter meets the blackknights. 3.The blackknights loading in the gold. 4. the room Tell stayed with Bridget.
Before Tell goes to the Emperor, he gives back the stolen grain to the farmers. Location: Montmajour entrance, Episode 48 Betrayal
Nowadays this stairs leads to a plateau. They built grain silo and a wooden bridge in front of it. To get access to the room of abbey St-Maure.
1987 Stairs to nowhere. In Crossbow they made a wooden platform In between years 'The Stairs to nowhere.' 2016 a new plateau and handrail
Remarkable: Middle photos: notice the both doors...above closed by stones and below (the right door (of both doors) totally restored!)
1987 2015 1987
The left door is still the same. There is put a new floor in front of it, there wasn't one.
1987 Tell stands on the stairs 2015 2015
Above: Tell stands on the stairs throwing bags to the farmers so they can fill them with grain. The small porch hasn't changed much over the years.
2015 1987 on the stairs under the huge arcade of Montmajour 2015 A new plateau was welcome and made in 2016
Room in St Maur
1987 The room is in here. In front of the stairs. To the public forbidden, because it gives entrance to St. Maur and that is a dangerous place. 2015
Above the best part of the ruines of the abbey of Saint-Maur in Montmajour. This part is closed to the public, perhaps too dangerous. More about St. Maur below this site. The
abbey is noted for its 11th–14th-century graves, carved in the rock, its subterranean crypt, and its massive unfinished church. It was an important pilgrimage site during the
Middle Ages, and in the 18th century it was the site of a large Maurist monastery, now in ruin. The abbey and the landscape around it were frequently painted and drawn by
Vincent van Gogh. Today the ruins of the abbey are cared for as a historic monument by the Centre des monuments nationaux. Until the late Middle Ages, Montmajour was an island,
43 meters above the surrounding terrain, protected by marshes and accessible only by boat. As early as the 3rd millennium BC the island was used as a cemetery, with individual
graves carved into the rock. In the 9th and 10th centuries the island also served as a sanctuary for the local residents during invasions of the Saracens and the Normans.
Compare 4 photos The trap in 'Betrayal'
1987 Tell entering Montmajour. The room is led to the emperor (below Betrayed). Same place as in front of Gessler's bedroom 2015 (right below)
The place of Amnesty and the Inquisitor, see below
In this episode Tell visits the Emperor on this spot. The chair is turned. Only a hand is visible. Tell calls for the emperor, the answer he gets is Gessler's: 'Not yet'
Next scene is in the crypt and up on the roof of Montmajour. Scene: Tell think he visits the emperor and realizes a trap is set by Gessler and his brother.
Horst fires an arrow without any result and then throws his Crossbow to Tell but misses. To crypt and later to the roof.
The crypt of Montmajour in episode The Inquisitor and Betrayal
More photos of the crypt below in episode Betrayal
2016 Inquisitor episode 45 around 1987
1987 2016 The same spot 1987
The Crypt of St. Benedict (12th century) Montmajour
The crypt of St Benedict is partly dug into the rock of the hill and partly built of massive stone walls, perfectly cut. It features a transept with two absidioles, or small chapels,
and a passage which leads to a small rotunda which is crowned with a cupola. The rotunda is surrounded by an ambulatory a tall, narrow hemicircular corridor with a stone
barrel vault. On its outer side, the ambulatory opens into five radiating chapels, each with its own window catching the eastern light, and its own small barrel-vaulted choir bay and
semi-domed apse. The large number of small chapels allowed the large number of monks in the monastery to quickly celebrate the morning mass. A striking feature of the crypt is
the smooth quality of the stone work- the stones are perfectly cut and fitted, and theironly texture is the slight rippling caused by dressing the stone with the help of a toothed hammer.
The 12th century crypt is partly dug into the rock and partly built of massive stone walls, perfectly cut. Forming the lower part of the abbey-church, the crypt is hewn into the rock
on It's southern side and It's northern sections are built of freestone, thereby compensating for the incline in the rock and serving as foundation for the monastery. It's main
architectural features include the solid walls, the wide sweeping choir and the imposing thickness of the semi circulair arches over the transept. A legacy from Roman antiquity, these
elements characterise the burgeoning of a Provencal Romanesque style in the 12th century. The perfectly dressed stones testify to the quarries remarkable expertise. Certain stones
bear capital letters which were the marks of stonecutters, brotherhoods or jobbers. The seven chapels of the crypte were dedicated to liturgy, celebration of private masses and
funeral services, Thus a direct acces led to the cemetery which encircles the chevet apse. Below: a very tensed episode!
The centre of the crypt
1987 2015 2015
Compare this
2015 Betrayal 1987, Gessler's nightmare
The Inquisitor Betrayal Betrayal Betrayal
1987 High tension... 2015
2015 1987 1987
An exciting scene till the end!
1987 2015
1987 2015
Extra photos of this beautiful place, especially when the lights are on.
1 photo of 'The Inquisitor,' same place.
1987 1987 2015
The roof Montmajour
Exciting to the end. Gessler versus Tell on the roof .
2015 1987 Both meet badly wounded on the roof.
The Fall
Does Tell survive this last episode? And what about Gessler? Scene: Gessler's brother has some energy left for a last attack...
A huge hole in the wall (beyond the arcades) In 1987 was grass growing at the courtyard. This gave it a more natural look. Now they are yellow stones.
Injured Tell walks out of season 2
1987 2015 1987 Grass has been replaced by stones 2015 Me on the tower
The iron fence gate of Montmajour
Even when the Chateau was closed you have a great view through it.
1987 A nightshot of the gate with fence. Scene: Tell in conversation with Gessler's brother 2015
2015 2015 1987
William came back
Will(iam) once told us that he drove past this place a few years after our visit. Quite special that our hero finds the environment special enough to sometimes return on holiday.
This Montmajour arcade is huge!
The two characteristic trees didn't change at all in 30 years!
1987 2016 left tree right tree 2016
Bye Tell...he is riding out of season 2 - The Eind of season 2!
The rocky slope near St. Peter's Chapel has more than a dozen tombs cut into the rock in the shape of human bodies, with places for the head, shoulders
and feet. These are 11th–14th- century graves, its subterranean crypt, The more recent tombs (14th century) were rectangular, and were probably covered
with stone slabs. Most of the tombs are oriented with the feet toward the east, the direction of the sunrise and the Resurrection.
Life and death together - Triops are living in the graves.
In the tombs live small prehistoric creatures, the Triops. My husband spotted them. Their eggs can survive for years in drought, that makes them special.
Triops are sometimes called "living fossils", since fossils attributable to this genus have been found in rocks of Carboniferous age, an estimated 300 million
years ago. And one extant species, Triops cancriformis, has hardly changed since the Jurassic period (approximately 180 million years ago). Triops can be
found in Africa, Australia, Asia, South America, Europe and in some parts of North America where the climate is right. Some eggs stay unhatched from the
previous group and hatch when rain soaks the area. Triops are often found in vernal pools.
Today the ruins of the abbey are a historic monument by the Centre des monuments nationaux. The more recent tombs (14th century) were rectangular,
and were probably covered with stone slabs. Most of the tombs are oriented with the feet toward the east, the direction of the sunrise and the Resurrection.
During the Middle Ages, several legends arose about Montmajour and its founding. One legend said that the island had been the sanctuary of St. Trophimus, who had been
sent from Rome by St. Peter to convert the Gauls. After coming to Arles in 46 AD, he took shelter in one of the caves on the island and received disciples there. A rock cell
under the church is called "The Confessional of St. Trophimus." Until 943 the island belonged to the Church of St. Trophime in Arles. Another legend said that the graves were
those of soldiers of Charlemagne, who had fought against the Saracens. A third legend said that the first church was founded by King Childebert I, the son of Clovis,
when he saw the fervor of a group of hermits on the island.
The cloister (12th century)
The cloister formally the Abbey of St. Peter (French: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Montmajour) was a fortified Benedictine monastery built between the 10th and 18th centuries on
what was originally an island five kilometers north of Arles, in what is now the Bouches-du-Rhône Department, in the region of Provence in the south of France. It was meant
to reinforce the walls of the first four bays of the church, but these bays were never built. It is rectangular, 27 meters long and 24 meters wide. In the center is a cistern
which collected rainwater through pipes and channels from the roofs of the monastery buildings.
The north gallery is the oldest part of the cloister. The traverse arches are supported by brackets decorated with carvings of real and mythological beasts, including a tarasque.
Some of the foliage-decorated columns show human heads looking through the foliage. The original sculpted capitals were repaired in the 19th century.
At the beginning of the east gallery is the tomb of the Counts of Provence, built to hold the remains of Count Raymond Berenger IV (died 1181). The only original Romanesque capitals
are in this arcade, representing the Temptation of Christ by a small devil with flaming hair; on the other side is an acrobat performing splits, and an apple, the symbol of temptation.
The west gallery was extensively altered by the Maurist monks in the 18th century, but the brackets have some of the most vivid carvings, showing the Mistral wind, the moon,
the sun and fire, and a mythical amphibious beast devouring a man. It also has 13th century graffiti depicting sailing ships and horses.
The south gallery is the most recent, and the carvings are the most realistic; a donkey, a monkey, a camel and an eagle are depicted on the brackets, and the columns show
the Annunciation the crowning of the Virgin, and knights fighting. The Chapter House was connected with the east gallery- here the monks gathered each morning to hear a
chapter of the Rule of St. Benedict followed by a brief teaching on it by the abbot, and also discussed the management of the abbey. It is lit by a single oculus, or round window,
and connected with the nave and by a stairway to the dormitory.
The Refectory, or dining room, connected with the south gallery through a Romanesque door decorated with a grotesque head of Tantalus, The dormitory of the monks occupied the
entire floor over the refectory, and was connected to it by two staircases. The west gallery formerly connected to the cellar, bakery, bread oven, and guest rooms, which no longer exist.
A view over the marshy field with Camarque horses around Montmajour.
The abbey complex consists of six sections: 1.The hermitage, dating from the 11th century, which includes the Chapel of St. Peter; 2. The cloister, built during the 12th and 13th
centuries; 3. The adjacent Chapel of the Holy Cross, built during the 12th century; 4. The fortified Monastery of St. Peter, built during the 14th century; 5. The Tower of Abbot Pons
de l'Orme, dating from the same period; 6. The Maurist monastery, built in the 17th century. It's a massive unfinished church. It was an important pilgrimage site during the Middle
Ages, and in the 18th century it was the site of a large Maurist monastery, now in ruin. The abbey and the landscape around it were frequently painted and drawn by Vincent van Gogh.
Until the late Middle Ages, Montmajour was an island, 43 meters above the surrounding terrain, protected by marshes and accessible only by boat. As early as the 3rd millennium
BC the island was used as a cemetery, with individual graves carved into the rock. In the 9th and 10th centuries the island also served as a sanctuary for the local residents during
invasions of the Saracens and the Normans. During the Middle Ages, several legends arose about Montmajour and its founding. One legend said that the island had been the
sanctuary of St. Trophimus, who had been sent from Rome by St. Peter to convert the Gauls.
After coming to Arles in 46 AD, he took shelter in one of the caves on the island and received disciples there. A rock cell under the church is called "The Confessional of St.
Trophimus. " Until 943 the island belonged to the Church of St. Trophime in Arles. Another legend said that the graves were those of soldiers of Charlemagne, who had fought
against the Saracens. A third legend said that the first church was founded by King Childebert I, the son of Clovis, when he saw the fervor of a group of hermits on the island.
Not much changed only the pillars got restored and the grass changed into stones of the same color of the wall.
The Tower of Pons de l'Orme (14th century)
The tower was built by the abbot and cardinal, Pons de l'Orme, beginning in 1369 to protect the abbey from the rampaging Free Company (see chronology.) The tower is 26
meters high, and contained a well and a storeroom for provisions, having three stories in the upper level. The top is equipped with battlements, arrow slits and machicolation,
designed to drop unpleasant things on the heads of attackers. The coat of arms of the abbot, an elm tree with two angel-monks, is carved on the outside of the tower.
Extras photos
1978 Crossbow is filmed here for a few weeks. Montmajour is really versatile!
Tarascon is agreeably situated on the left bank of the Rhone, directly opposite to Beaucaire, with which it is connected by a bridge of boats; the river being too wide and
rapid to admit of any other description of bridge being built over it; even some of the boats are frequently carried away when the NW wind blows very strong; as there is
no parapet to protect the traveller, it is not safe to pass over in a carriage if the weather be bolsterous. At the top of the castle there is a platform commanding a fine view
of the Rhone. The River Rhône marked the border between Languedoc, a province of the Kingdom of France, and the County of Provence; Louis II thought better to
protect his side of the river from attacks coming from Beaucaire, although he was a cousin of the King of France. below Beaucare in opposite of Tarascon.
Graffiti by soldiers
left:Cour d'honneur, niche with busts of King René I and Jeanne de Laval, his second wife, and the Latin inscription "These demi-gods, made illustrious by the French lilies and by the
Cross, advance side by side towards Heaven". The cross in the coat of arms is that of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, René being a claimant to it. The busts were not originally made for the niche.
In 1480 King René passed away. Charles IV, Duke of Anjou, his nephew and successor died in the following year and he bequeathed Provence and his claims to the Kingdom of Naples
to King Louis XI of France, whose son Charles VIII in 1494 led an army to the conquest of Naples and in doing so he began a series of eleven wars between France and Spain for the
hegemony over Italy. The Castle of Tarascon lost its importance, both from a military viewpoint and as a royal residence. It continued to house a garrison, but mainly because it
was turned into a military prison and it was not upgraded to the requirements of cannon warfare.
In 1840 the Castle was enlisted among the monuments of France warranting protection, but it was not until 1926 that the prison was closed and the military left it. In 1933, after a major
effort to bring it back to its assumed XVth century aspect, it was opened to the public. Parts of wooden ceilings which were decorated with fantastic animals were discovered in the main
halls of the Royal Apartments. Source: last 4 photos plus info at www.romeartlover.it