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Uzes - Masterplan 39 - Ladyship 40 - The promised land 41 - Rejection 42 |
Built on a promontory rising from the garigues Uzès is a jewel finely crafted over the centuries. Small town of a little more than 8,000 inhabitants or even the flag
blood and
gold Dukes, she maintains, engraved in stone.
its monuments and its streets, the sweet song of a sometimes tumultuous-history
- which begins with the Romans.
She combined with talent the quiet wisdom of its ancient
streets and the modern taste for festivities and tourism.
Prehistoric vestiges attest a very old human grouping around the source of the Eure, as well as in the caves of the Alzon. In the 5th century BC, the uzetien oppidum - in the
northeast of the present city - was one of the milestones of the Greek penetration in the South by the Valley of the Rhone. Also found near the fountain Saint Theodorit a
stretch of Greek Bill enclosure. The Celts arecomici occupied the site from the third century BC The Romans cosmic waters pure and abundant sources of the Eure to bring
them in Nîmes by an aqueduct of 50 km for a vertical drop 12.183 m, the Pont du Gard was. Gallo-Roman Ucetia became a prosperous city with the rich houses from the first
century after. J.-C.
La place aux herbes à Uzès
The street of Saint-Étienne, coming up on the place with herbs, called in the middle ages place of Costel (pillory), where it exposed offenders to public condemnation. Its current name,
given in the 1970s, revives ancient vocation of the marketplace, today one of the most beautiful in France every Saturday morning. This great place is the heart of the city, with its
arches medieval to see many doors that provide access to a network of tunnels once used as storage cellars and its houses from the 17th and 18th centuries. The oldest front (early 16th)
is at an angle above the terroir restaurant, with its stair Tower and its perfectly preserved Bartizan. The fountain was built in the nineteenth instead of a small island of "parasites"
houses that were falling into ruins. Since his rehabilitation, this magnificent place served as setting for many movies: the lovers of Venice and, above all, Cyrano de Bergerac.
The Uzès Saturday market, Place aux Herbes, is one of the most popular in the South of France, blending great food shopping and dry goods and catering to both locals and
tourists in a quaint medieval town. Its little brother, the Wednesday market, focusses on the food, mostly regional specialties. While you can find just about everything you need
to cook up one of your favorite local dishes, including fish, poultry and other meats, the market has a more touristy flare including – local honey, olive oil, chevre, artisanal
beer, sausages, etc. The setting is picture perfect, a romantic French square with dappled sunlight filtering through the shade of the large plane trees. The pretty back
streets surrounding the square are also worth a stroll.
Masterplan in Uzes
Hotel Rochette at Place aux herbes is the place Prince Ignatius, Bishop Grimaldi and Gessler have dinner) episode Rejection
- And Alden's home (Episode The Masterplan / The Elite)
Scene: Tell visits his godchild 'Alden.'
Hotel de la Rochette at place aux herbes in Uzès
The ancient door at Place aux Herbes
2015 1987 Episode Rejection 2015
1987 1987 2015 fantastic ancient door!
The interior Hotel de la Rochette
2017 Uzes 1988 Church in Chateau Uzes, Ep. Rejection 1987 Uzes
Uzes studio
Studio Uzes, The address : 8 rue du 4 Septembre, Uzès town, Gard department, France
1987 Masterplan/Elite 2015 1987 Masterplan
The hall and the window in the back
2015 1988 2015
The stairs to the Uzes studio
Moulin Uzes Val d'Eure
Start of the trail, east of Uzes to Moulin du Roy
Moulin du Roy in 'Ladyship'
The field and the old moulin
This beautiful giant Plane tree is still here with many beautiful old others! Never seen plane trees of this size.
There are many of them of this size. 2015
1987 The water bowl (right below) isn't there nowadays. Decorative Crossbow element? 2015
This plane tree (above) doesn't change at all in so many years! Monumental trees?
1987 2015 1987
The front is beautiful! The interior is not. Though the blocks are still there (they're built on the tombs).
I don't know how it's nowadays...but in 2015 there was lot of graffiti.
1987 2015 right porch
And below the other house (not in Crossbow) this one is in really bad state.....
1987 1987 2015
An ancient mill is not always safe from vandalism in a lonely city park with little surveillance.
Yet you can already see names carved on the wall and they already needed spider silk to hide some graffiti.
If you look closely you can sometimes see some blue through the spider web.
My picture at 2015 2016? Nowadays cleaned up? Much better! 1987
1987 2015
Some trees were cut but one recognizable ones like the curved tree is still there.
1987 2015
Captain of the guard in disguise
Location: Eure valley
After endless dawdling by Mathilde, they are on their way to lord Montal. Tell thinks he is escorting lady Montal, so she is able to sign, but that seems a bit different ...
2015 1987 Episode 40 Lady Montal, riding from fields of l'eure Uzes to this beautiful castle garden.
The Field and Valley of the Eure river in Uzes
This field is next to Moulin du Roy
Cool rocks in front of the horses - This is still episode Ladyship/Lady Montal
From camp Vallee Uzes below left to the garden of Pouzilhac below righ
Episode Lady Montal 1987 The rocks from the intro of Masterplan 2015
The Location of Moulin du Roy, Eure valley, Uzes
Next photos: Unknown place in Ladyship / Lady Montal I don't recognize these hills.
Unknown location. This can be in 'l Eure park ,but I'm not sure.
The tower next to Moulin du Roy Uzes
La tour de gué
1987 Shot from Crossbow 2015
North side of the field The intro of episode Masterplan is shot on these rocks South side
Uzes rocks, Masterplan
These rocks are also located in the valley of the Eure river.
1987 Masterplan, Uzes 1987 2015
Chateau Pouzilhac
In the gardens of Pouzilhac castle is shot:
1. Ladyship (the signing scene) and 2. Episode Rejection, The final scene.
3. Episode Masterplan/The Tower. Behind the castle is the church of the Dice cup, the Forge of Stefan's woman
The huge pine tree (left of the castle) is still recognizable. Nowadays they planted small pine trees in a row in front of the village wall and there is a playground for the children.
2015 1987 Episode 42 Rejection
Episode: 40 Ladyship in Pouzilhac gardens
1987 Ladyship 1987 1987
Extra photos of the garden and the path to the castle
End of episode Ladyship
The 'Dice cup' at in episode The Promised land
The church of the Dice cup is behind Pouzilhac castle. This is the exterior of the Dice cup. The interior is not sure. Unknown
The wall Stefan climbed (to show he is top fit to go to the tower) is gone. Even the forge of his woman is gone since a few years. This place is nearby.
Eglise Saint-Privat, Pouzilhac. Around 2016
Pouzilhac castle in Episode Rejection
As far as we know the interior of Pouzilhac is not in Crossbow. Right below a room in Poulzilhac nowadays.
I've read that nowadays the castle is divided in apartments.
Switch from the exterior Pouzilhac (left below) to the interior Ducal castle Uzes. Episode 42 Rejection: hall and church in the Ducal castle.
They make you believe It's filmed in Chateau Pouzilhac.
To compare
Intro of Rejection The end scene of episode 42 Rejection. The end scene of episode 40 Ladyship/Lady Montal.
2015 The gardens of Pouzilhac
Episode Rejection: The interior of Ducal castle and Pouzilhac exterior
This interior is in Duche Uzes (more pictures below this site). Then a sudden exterior switch to the tower and gardens of Pouzilhac.
Tell jumps off the tower and escapes.
2017 Poulzilhac exterior 1988
Ending scene episode 40 Rejection Poulzilhac castle Starting scene episode 42 Rejection
1987 Rejection, Tell's escape. 2017
Pouzilhac village -The promised Land / The Tower
Pouzilhac is the village of the 'Dice cub,' the wall Stefan climbed and the Forge (episode 41 Promised Land).
The houses behind the forge are fallen down. We thought it was the wall next to the entrance of the town but the window doesn't match. We are sure It must have been in Pouzilhac
because of the typical color of the stones.
Perhaps the wall Stefan climbs isn't there anymore.
The color of the stones made us sure that the forge and wall were in Poulzilhac. They no longer exist.
I have seen a part in transit but now it is gone, because the condition was very bad.
A fan has taken a look through Google Streetview and found the original location of the wall and forge. You see below.
Rue de Eglise Pouzilhac
The photo in the middle is an example of the wall colors. This photo is taken in Pouzilhac and is in a better state and still there.
It was not nice to see but last time I passed Pouzilhac, the forge and houses are all ruined and taken down. It's an open place now.
It's the place next to the castle garden. So the wall Stefan climbed is gone as well. Some houses were in a bad state so they removed them
but it's still a pity. Such old walls in the typical colors like most of the houses of Pouzilhac. The brown taints in the wall.
Right is the castle and garden, straight ahead the eglise (Dice Cup exterior), left was the forge and wall, now a huge parking place.
The houses behind the forge are gone (compare the left photo the door and right photo the open door above the yellow arrow)
1987 See the stones in the back and the half wall in the door post 2017 2017 taken from the other side, at 2018 It's all taken down
Thanks to C. Petit for showing me these similarities
The only place they ruined in the whole village is unfortunately the 'Crossbow' place
Entrance of village Pouzilhac
We first thought Stefan climbed this wall but the window didn't correspondent.
The end of episode The Promised Land
Masterplan (The Elite) Masmolene castle
The tower has been thoroughly renovated. The edges-ledges seem to have disappeared and the tower is flatter.
1987 You can still see the old place where the ledges were on the tower 2014
Anno 2016
Around 2015 1986 2015
1987 2014 see the garden gate in the left
The Elite left: in Uzes studio and the fight is in Chapelle Chateau Masmolene. The chateau and the garden is renovated.
Ducal Castle / Le Duché d'Uzès
Below all the episodes who were shot in Ducal castle
A beautiful piece of history surrounded by the city of Uzes
The same family living in the castle for 700 year. You can make a tour in the castle and climb the tower.
It is a very steep climb with very narrow steps and almost impossible to pass if someone is coming down but the view from the top is worth it.
The beautiful sight from the tower from Ducal castle
2016 1989 The Masterplan
Episodes The Elite/Masterplan, The promised landand Rejection
Ducal castle interior
In Episode Lordship
The place Tell finds out being a lord is not that much fun, ep. Rejection The dinner of the prince and Gessler in ep. Rejection
"Salle d'honneur" in very traditional royal terms or "salle des fêtes" (party room) or "salle polyvalente" (multi purpose room).
2017 Same hall as in episode Rejection. Tell signs the paper and gives the land to the farmer.
Ducal castle
Duchy: Built at the beginning of the middle ages on the site of a former Roman Fortress and repeatedly modified over the centuries,
the Duchy is one of the major medieval constructions the best preserved at the center of a city.
He has however "lost" two of his towers, one assigned to the Bishop in the 13th century and the other sold to the King in the 15th century.
Owned by the same family since the middle ages, the Castle down to him alone all French architecture:
he keeps his dungeons which the imposing Tower of Bermonde, where the flag of the Dukes of the early middle ages.
Renaissance the elegant façade with the coat of arms and the motto of the Dukes "non auro ferro" (by iron and not by gold).
And the Gothic Chapel of the XV century in the 19th century of a decorated with glazed tiles roof coat of arms.
Awarded the title of Duchy in 1565, Uzès becomes first Duchy of France in 1632, which placed the family just after the princes of the blood in the order of precedence.
The Duke of Uzes wore the Crown and the sceptre at the coronation of the Kings and pronounced the ritual 'the King is dead, long live the King' at funerals.
Chateau du Uzes Duche exterior
A small part Of The Promised Land/The Tower is shot in Chateau du Duche, Uzes.
They made shots in the right angles, so you're not able to see the buildings around.
Lussan tower (exterior) and Duche Uzes (interior + close up exterior shots of the castle wall) See the shots above. Not Lussan Tower, but in the city in Duche, Uzes.
Lussan exterior tower, interior Uzes Duche
Chateau Lussan, the scenes Stefan is in the tower I am sure these interior shots are already Duncan castle Uzes,
The climbing (out of the tower) is Castle Lussan. Lussan is not far from Uzes and stands in the fields.
Duncan castle in Uzes is build in with other buildings nowadays, they made shots in angles you can't see the buildings around.
Though Duncan castle stands in the city of Uzes, it's not less impressive. But castle Lussan has huge towers and a nice open field they needed for the field scenes.
Lussan castle
The fact is that the stuntman did visit the inside of Castle Lussan to climb down from the window, but the tower was probably not beautiful enough inside to make recordings.
Ducal castle
Switch to Ducal castle in city Uzes. Good shots! It's like the castle stands alone. See more pictures of it below on this page
The tower switch to
Lussan 'the tower'
Lussan is nearby Uzes and is situated in the middle of wide fields...
Ducan castle, Uzes city Few seconds later in Crossbow: Castle Lussan
Two castles nearby. Left the one in Crossbow and right one with bigger towers out of the town.
Entering Lussan you pass a real ancient blacksmith with his shop. It's a peaceful small village laying on a hill. It has around 400 inhabitats and is in Gard.
Switch to Ducal castle
Above Lussan and below Duche Uzes. Right and middle below: the hedera plants and castle wall of Duche Uzes
Scenes episode 41 Promised land, Duncan Castle Uzes Recognize is the wall structure
Below again Duncan Castle Uzes (same spot as above) but now for episode 39 Masterplan. Perfectly filmed from a good angle so the rest of the town is not visible.
The staircase of Duncal castle
The stairs to the tower are extremely steep and short, your feet don't fit on the stairs and it's clear to me the people were a bit smaller during the middle ages.
The tower is high and there is not much space left. It feels a kind of claustrophobic.
On top the view is wonderful. You've got an amazing view all over Uzes! Next to the beautiful tour Fenestrelle.
The middle of the floor of tour Duche is a bit bent down.
The stairs of Duche Uzes. They make you believe It's the interior of the tower Lussan) episode 41 promised land
Right below: Stefan zoomed in, holding the stairs and the room he goes in has the same shape of the post. Episode: The promised land.
At the courtyard of Ducal castle
1988 close up 2014 Not Lussan tower but Ducal castle 1988
2014 Ducal castle, Uzes 1987
Above the same kind of door and wall structures.
Middle below: Almost the same spot of the room a different angle in Duche Uzes.
1988 2014
Chapel in Ducal Castle Uzes Episode Lordship
So this chapel is part of this castle.
Winecellar Uzes
Ducal Castle in episode Masterplan/The Elite
1987 2015
Unknown location. I don't know this location of ep. Rejection. Probably around Uzes.
Some extra Photos of Poulzilhac castle
Tour Fenestrelle (XIIe s)
Eure valley Ancient Roman water way