Photos from Dana Barron's album



                                                                      With Francoise Arconciel (Roger Daltrey)                            With the Alchemist Vogel (David Warner)                                                                             


The good guys




In chateau Arlempdes



Acting seemed not without any risk.   Stefan: "It's not a walking stick, William. Remember who her father is"



Episodes in Haute Savoie

Gaston,Tyroll, Eleanor and Horst                                                     Grendel Eleanor






Dana, this is such a beautiful photo of both of you!

And below a slightly different one


I think this Friesian horse wears an hat because of eczema.










Breakfast or lunch and the umbrella. I like this photo so much. At Desert of Entremont.


The last scene of episode The Pass







The Original album pages

Dana has taken photos from her album

The Desert of Entremont, Haute Savoie, episodes 11,12 and 13





The Alchemist, Fort Bruissin, Lyon




At chateau Arlempdes, episode 5 and 10
